10 reason why Dealership need custom websites

A template driven website is like a pre-fabricated home on wheels, like an RV house and you moved into it. Dealers spend anywhere between $30K and $100K every month to bring 500 to 1000 visitors to their showroom. A dealership's website plays a tremendous role in attracting new customers and in building confidence in their vehicles, pricing, and service. Please read the reasons why you need to custom build your website, how we make it into a live process for every employee to be part of, and how to update and use it as platform to interact with your customers.

10 reason why Dealership need custom websites

  • Let us look at how a Dealership Website should be a like a “River” flowing without too much turbulence along the way.
    1. Building a website:Imagine, you are trying to sell a car to every person you come in contact with. Now think of all the methods in impressing the customer. Naturally, you will want present some of your best features on your Web, first to attract the customer to come onto the Website, second to make him commit to submit a lead to you, and thirdly to schedule a test drive, and finally to commit to buy a car from you and be your customer for life. DealTimer allows you to customize your website to show off your dealerships best, something a generic, non personalized, template-driven website will not allow you to do.
    2. Consultation: To find all the best features you want to attract the customers with, first you need to partner with New Car Manager, Used Car Manager, Parts Manager, Service Manager and ensure that they chose to become 4-wheels of your Website as Living-Vehicle. Without their co-operation, you cannot run the show..
    3. PlanningFor all the marketing dollars being spent in media, you definitely created a game plan on addressing the ideas through your sales reps. For example, when a customer walks in after hearing a radio-ad or watching a TV ad, how are your sales reps are supposed to respond to the customers. Let us assume, the visitor chose to go to the Website instead of walking in to the store. How did you prepare the Website to schmooze this customer, who chose to first check your website to ensure they will be receiving the best price and service for them? In the case of a template driven Website, what are you doing? At best, you are at the mercy of an AD-Making company, you would have uploaded the Image of the AD or Video Clip to the Website and post it on the Website. Is this really the best that can be done? Are you giving it your best shot? When a customer shows up on you website, make them feel comfortable by showing the same AD at as-many places as possible on the Website so they will feel comfortable taking the next step and committing to a lead or visiting your dealership. Creative an incentive for your customer to commit to submit a lead; Internet Guru's created a better jargon called “Lead Conversion”. You want Vendors to be heroes with better conversion rate of lead submission. Really, do you believe in this? If you have visitors submitting a lead, it is purely due to your dealership's credibility in the city, or the promise of amount of you promised to save in the AD. With a template-driven website, both the dealer and their website provider chose to do very little to provide incentive to transition from visiting to the Website to Committing to Submit a lead. We will provide some expert views on preparing a visitor for better conversion rates. With your input and our technology ideas, our partnership can help build a more efficient and cheap system for your IT needs.

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