How did EdVoyles Acura bring negative reviews from 46% in 2016 to 15% in 2022? How did EdVoyles Acura could retain over $2Million in Service repair order revenue from unhappy reviewed customers retained after resolving their CSI issues? How did EdVoyles Acura secured over 33000 Customer Reviews in just 6 years? Please click on “Play” button below for details.
Please Click here to schedule a 30-minute Web-Meeting to explore how your dealership could receive 5000 Reviews per year and retain $2Million in service repair order revenue by stopping customers from leaving the dealerships silently.
Soul Searching Question on CSI!
Is CSI score based on location, demographics, competing dealerships, and other factors?
Partnering with DealTimer for CSI
Now, identify the partner who can customize the CSI Solution offering to meet the processes of the dealership!
500% more Reviews!
In the very first month, 500% more DealTimer reviews shocked the management. The more shocking was that of 46% of those 500+ reviews were 4-star and below customer reviews.
Fix or Loose?
Either FIX DealTimer issue or loose the customer to the competing Acura Dealer
Contradicting Results
DealTimer Reviews showed negative while the OEM Surveys showed positive CSI Scores! The management realized that if the customers are given proper CSI follow-up tools, they receive more reviews, particularly more negative reviews in DealTimer compared to customers returning OEM surveys!
Does Money Talks & Fix CSI?
EdVoyles Management quickly realized that fixing 100sĀ of negative reviews is not possible for management staff alone. So, they came up with a plan to include Service Advisors in resolving the issues proactively.Ā So they wanted to buy-in the service advisors understandingĀ 100s of DealTimer negative reviews and see how the customers had been complaining, and slowly learn their own mistakes!
Advisor CSI Bonus
Advisors’ CSI bonus is paid based on the subject of meeting the 90% CSI Score in DealTimer instead of paying the CSI Bonus based on OEM surveys.Ā In the process of meeting 90% of Dealtimer reviews, which is over 500% more than OEM surveys, automatically, all the negative reviews are reduced naturally.
Reduced Negative Reviews
By iterating 90% positive reviews, the advisors are used to not allowing to receive complaints from customers in the first place. This is called proactive CSI.Ā The year-over-year negative percentage reduction proved that this strategy worked very well for all the advisors.
33000 DealTimer Reviews
While the advisors are trying to ensure that customers are treated well, it is the job of DealTimer CSI Booster to ensure that we receive 5000 to 6000 DealTimer reviews returned from the customer every year.Ā This way, DealTimer can measure if the advisors are properly taking of customers.
54 to 4100 Google Reviews
DealTimer methodically boosted the Google Reviews of EdVoyles Acura methodically from 54 to 4100 Google Reviews in the span of 6 years.Ā This made the EdVoyles Acura to be #1 Acura dealership in North America.
4500 Negative Reviews in 6.5 years
DealTimer fetched over 4500 negative reviews in the span of 6.5 years.
$300K/year Retained RO Revenue
By resolving theĀ CSIĀ issues in the DealTimerĀ CSI Booster Platform, even by retaining only 50% of unhappy customers from leaving, the dealership retained over $300K in RO revenue.Ā This amount accumulates into millions in the span of 5-10 years!
Cumulative RO Revenue
It becomes a cumulative retained customer list that could be triggering millions of dollars of retained revenues.
#1 for Google Reviews in the USA for Acura
EdVoyles Acura’s Google Review count between 2001 and 2016 was only at 54 lifetime Google Reviews, whereas during 2016 and 2022, the same EdVoyles Acura got it’s Google Reviews boosted to over 4100 Google Reviews.
#1 for Dealer Reviews in the USA
Dealtimer brought in over 33000 DealTimer Reviews in 6.5 Years. This is by far the most number of Reputation Reviews from DealTimer and it makes the DealTimer brought the honor of being #1 for dealership reviews.
Advisors turned to become CSI Centric
For the EdVoyles Acura service advisors, the experiences with DealTimer it made them to become CSI Centric Service Advisor staff.
Proactive CSI instead of Reactive CSI
Dealtimer helps the dealership transition from a Reactive CSI service department into becoming Proactive CSI service staff and service department.
DealTimer delivered CSI to EdVoyles Acura
As originally promised in 2016, DealTimer delivered CSI to EdVoyles Acura.
Dealtimer's CSI Commitment
What to expect from DealTimer if you sign up for DealTimer CSI Booster solution?
Partnering with DealTimer for CSI
Now, identify the partner who can customize the CSI Solution offering to meet the processes of the dealership!
Quick Links for OEM CSI Boosting and Google Review Driving Solutions
For a quick 5-10 minute phone call to explore more on how to address CSI challenges and retain dozens of your service customers from leaving silently, please complete the form below: