It can be nightmare for car dealers, when Craigslist ADs are ghosted and diminishing phone calls and leads from craigslist customers. Dealers, when logged in get to see the AD or when they click on the AD link provided craigslist posting vendor. However, that AD is ghosted by craigslist, and it would not be listed in customer search results, even if you directly search with the exact title with which it is posted.
For all practical purposes, you may have 100s of ADs out there and there are no results. This happens because, Craigslist decides to ghost that AD for several unknown reasons. At DealTimer, the ghosted ADs are easily tracked, and additional ADs are posted with different AD compilation settings to minimize the ghosting effect and at the same time all the vehicles receiving better visibility on craigslist platform.
Are your dealership ADs being ghosted by Craigslist?
- If you, as a dealership employee posting the ADs, it can be very frustrating to see the AD being ghosted. After putting so much hard work of creating the ADs, uploading the images, and posting the ADs with serious amount of time spent, if you notice that many of those ADs are ghosted, slowly dealership employees would lose interest in posting the ADs. It is extremely important to study the patterns for ghosting and work around the system. No matter how many vendors claim that they have solved the ghosting problem, it is not true. Vendors with their own tools developed in-house, unlike many vendors use 3rd party tools to provide the Craigslist posting services, will often run into the problems of unable to change the software source code to reduce the craigslist AD ghosting problem. We sincerely suggest automotive dealerships to select the vendors for Craigslist posting service, with in-house developed software tools to post the ADs on Craigslist platform. This game is generally compared to the Police(Craigslist) and Driver(Dealer) with Radar detector(vendor posting ADs). Police wants to capture the speeding drivers and Radar detector may help the driver if used properly. Craigslist’s knows all the violators and smart vendors doing all the smart things to maximize the results. Vendors with total knowledge of the platform only can stay within the limits and reduce the ghosting problem and maximize the results for their effort of posting the ADs.