List Price :$495/month

A successful sales manager quotes, “desking the deal and printing on Work Sheet on CRM side vs. DMS system certainly reduces the turn-around time from 10 minutes to 2 minutes for each customer”.
DealPencil offers instant desking capability with front-end and back-end gross margins being shown instantly while desking the deal on the fly!
Optionally, the manager can print all the worksheet with inked numbers and hand it over to sales rep for presentation!
Features of Deal Pencil
- Deal Pencil is a powerful desking system for car dealerships to desk the deals either in four square view or full details view. The pencil system provides the 9 payment grid model enabling the sales managers to give multiple payment options to choose from.
- Question: Can I use 4-Square or Full detail for desking the deal from Sales Tower module?
- Answer: It all depends on desking strategies and type of dealership and customer base. The managers can use either 4-square or full-detail mode of desking the deal and print the write-up sheet accordingly. Optionally, the system allows one to present one payment or grid of 12 possible payments for sales person to present them to customer.
- Question: How many deals have you lost in 30 days?
- Answer: While waiting for credit scores, and quote from manager, customer wanted to have sand witch and never returned to the dealership!. During the 90 minutes of processing of credit application at tower, Credit company WEB site, banker, DealerTrack, etc., how many customers have you lost in last 30 days? You many casually ask your sales reps in the next weekly meeting!