Sub-prime BDC

List Price :None/month

Are you procuring Sub-prime customer leads from 3rd party lead providers by paying thousands of dollars every month? Are you purchasing 100s of subprime leads through various forms of campaigns? Want to filter through these subprime leads and schedule as many appointments as possible? Sub-prime BDC system can assist you in accomplishing this goal.

Features of Sub-Prime BDC

  1. The sales or BDC reps can double the number of appointments set every day from the same # of leads purchased, by simply using BDC technology.
  2. Electronic database of customers provides instant search facility
  3. Avoid paper trail
  4. Generate reports based on beacon score capabilities
  5. Store aside low beacon score customers for future prospecting
  6. Ability to import Sub-prime leads from database
  7. Ability to E-mail based leads into Computer Database
  8. Ability to create Leads from incoming phone calls on the fly
  9. Ability to distribute the Leads among BDC reps
  10. Ability to track the productivity of BDC Reps
  11. Separate BDC Manager Interface to track the productivity
  12. Ability to take notes against phone call
  13. Ability to Schedule an appointments for customers
  14. Ability to reassign the Leads among BDC Reps
  15. Ability to Compute the PAY/Commission for BDC Reps
  16. WEB Based Technology enables the BDC reps to work from Home or remote location
  17. Ability to assign the work to BDC Reps
  18. Ability to transfer the work load from one BDC rep to another BDC rep
  19. More than 15+ reports for BDC department alone
  20. Daily work plan for BDC Reps
  21. Ability to set personal reminders for BDC reps for further follow up communication.
  22. WEB Based Graphics driven Daily/monthly calendar of BDC tasks
  23. Track the follow up activities from BDC manager's tower
  24. And more than 20+ other features to drive Sub-Prime operations smoothly

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