Similar to the tower in the dealership, the “Sales Manager Tower” feature provides one stop place for managers to monitor and control leads, deals, and write-up sheets. Sales tower is a powerful tool to track all sales associates assigned to the sales, assign an unassigned lead to sales rep, data mine the customer lead base, and dozens of advanced features to manage the sales floor operations.
Features of Sales Tower
- Separate secure login interface for Sales and Desk Managers!
- View daily visitor's log electronically,
- View and assign the vehicle to customer's lead at the tower,
- Desk the deal in 4-square or full-detail method electronically,
- Print the write-up sheet to the printer at tower or sales person's desk,
- Powerful reports for sales activities, sold deals, daily work plans, etc., and
- Trade-in or trade-out the vehicle from another dealer,
- Perform one-on-one meeting with sales person on performance issues, save-a-deal, or manager turn-in, etc.,
- And, many more powerful features to improve sales floor activities.
- Never lose the site of sale person activities,
- One place for Sales and Desk managers to perform their activities throughout the day,
- Customer database allows instant access to customer records,
- Cut down turn-around time for desking the deal by 80% OR handle dozens of write-ups in few minutes
- Have peace-of-mind and managerial job becomes extremely fun because of less pressure.
- Only when the managers become peaceful, loving and caring, the real creativity blossoms from tower and it shows up in CSI and SSI