CRM Campaigns

Have you thought of bringing the customers who visited the dealership about 2 years or 3 years, or 4 years ago. By data-mining through the past-customer and past-visitor database, DealTimer allows one to create campaigns and add campaigns to the follow up system.

By carefully building ONLINE landing pages for each of the campaigns, one can bring the customers back and generate WEB leads either for purchasing a new or pre-owned vehicle for service.

Features of CRM Campaigns

  1. Sending CRM campaigns to the past customers with specific Sale Event or Promotion specials.
  2. Create a landing page to support the Sale Event or Promotion.
  3. Link the Email Campaign to the landing page and broadcast the emails to the select group of customers
  4. Upon customers click the links in the email campaign, customers will come onto the landing page and view the specials offered, and possibly submit the lead.

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