List Price :$95/month

Want seamless integration between dozens of vendor dealer websites? Want to avoid data entry of new, pre-owned and certified vehicle specials onto multiple dealer websites? DealTimer product suite can assist you in presenting your vehicle, parts and service information with one mouse click onto your websites, third party websites, DMS System, YouTube, EBay, Craigslist, Facebook, Twitter, and several other social media sites, etc.
Features of Vendor Integration
- AutoTrader.com Integration
- Cars.com Integration
- Dealers Website vendor integration
- More than 30 third party dealer websites
- Reynolds DMS Integration
- ADP DMS Integration
- Arkona DMS Integration
- Integration with third Party DMS systems
- Integration with third Party Windows based DMS systems
- Integration with Photo taking vendors, Dealers Specialties, Diamond Lot, NetLook, CDM Data and your current photo provider
- Vehicle Photos Integration with:
- Auto Trader
- Delix.com
- Cars.com
- AutobyTel.com
- Dealer Specialties
- Diamond Lot
- Auto Blitz
- Capture Internet Leads from
- Auto Trader
- Delix.com
- Cars.com
- AutobyTel.com
- Manufacturer WEB site
- Dealership WEB site
- Dealer Management System:
- Reynolds & Reynolds
- Autosoft
- Arkona