Dealer Reputation-n-CSI-KPI University

Service Manager ?s on CSI/KPI

Here are 50-70  CSI/KPI-related questions running through the minds of busy service managers that can not find clear answers!   A quick browsing helps Service Staff!

CSI can Make or Break GM

Typical GMs are comfortable with Sales CSI scores, but always have concerns on meeting service CSI scores in order for OEM CSI Bonus or Awards!

Marketing Director View of CSI

Bad Google Reviews scare away 30% of customers! Poor Service OEM CSI/KPI Surveys keep 20% of Socially connected customers out! 70+ CSI questions for Marketing Directors!

CSI Educational Questions for Service Manager and Staff

Compiled the questions pondered by several service managers while DealTimer was training the service staff on OEM CSI and KPI Booster Solutions and Platforms!

These questions compiled by keeping in mind of service manager, service advisors, technicians, OEM Service and Sales Reps assisting the Dealership Staff with monthly visits.

By merely discussing on these questions, it helps to boost the knowledge on OEM CSI and KPI metrics and how it impacts the service staff bonus amounts, career, and dealership's profitability, and many other advantages offered to the dealerships from OEMs.

65. Why 90% of Service Departments are struggling hard even to cross tier-2 KPI scores?

….to be discussed

66. A typical advisor writes from 10-30 tickets per day

….to be discussed

67. Who are all part of Service CSI at Dealer and OEM levels?

….to be discussed

68. Would not bother to focus on Service CSI until unless OEM Rep complains about poor service CSI and KPI, how much is this real?

….to be discussed

68. Can a GM, who is usually promoted from a Sales background identify tools for Service CSI and KPI?

….to be discussed

69. A sales rep can follow up with 10 gto 12 customers in a month for CSI, whereas each service advisor has to follow up with 200 to 500 customers in a month!!!

….to be discussed

70. What makes GMs blinded to Service CSI operations?

….to be discussed

71. When a GM claims to be at the top for CSI, they usually mean Sales CSI, not Service CSI! Why? How does this thinking impact the store's overall service CSI?

….to be discussed

72. GMs would not bother to focus on Service CSI until unless OEM Rep complains about poor service CSI and KPI, how much is this real?

….to be discussed

73. GMs have mixed views in treating Reputation as CSI or CSI as reputation, is it correct?

….to be discussed

74. Marketing director’s understanding of reputation in contrast to OEM CSI goals.

….to be discussed

75. Overloading Service Staff for CSI follow up

….to be discussed

76. Why do most of the Service Managers get frustrated with CSI follow-up operations?

….to be discussed

77. Why can’t an advisor follow up take mere 10 minutes to follow up on previous days Repair orders? GM’s frustration gesture?

….to be discussed

78. Why is it a challenge for Service Advisor to create 10 minutes for CSI follow-up? This needs to be understood, seriously?

….to be discussed

79. OEM Reps struggle to push Service Manager to boost CSI and KPI scores!

….to be discussed

80. What kind of Training is available from OEM for CSI in the store?

….to be discussed

81. How can the Dealer use OEM CSI tools for a better CSI Score?

….to be discussed

82. How does a CSI score impact customer Retention Rates?

….to be discussed

83. How can a Service Manager use a 10-minute disciplined time CSI slot in a week?

….to be discussed

84. What motivates each advisor to become Proactive CSI-minded staff? Money or Fame?

….to be discussed

85. How to measure Service Advisor CSI Proactively?

….to be discussed

86. OEM BAD CSI fixing is Reactive ways, too late?

….to be discussed

87. What is the Proactive CSI mantra that costs virtually nothing to the Dealer?

….to be discussed

88. How can you get the BEST CSI scores with no dedicated CSI follow-up operation?

….to be discussed

89. How can you change pay plans based on CSI scores?

….to be discussed

90. Can the bad CSI score cost the Dealers principal to give away the store?

….to be discussed

91. Who do OEMs love Dealers with the best CSI scores to give more stores?

….to be discussed

92. How can the OEM Rep influence the Service Staff to become Proactive CSI advisors?

….to be discussed

93. CSI Bonus in No-Man’s land:

….to be discussed

94. Why is Service Director nagged about CSI every month twice by OEM Rep!

….to be discussed

95. What motivates OEMs to pay upto $150K CSI Bonus every quarter?

….to be discussed

96. Why do Dealers need to get paid OEM bonus to keep Dealership customers’ happy?

….to be discussed

97. Why OEMs pay Bonus on Sold Vehicle for meeting Service CSI score?

….to be discussed

98. How to see CSI from Dealer principal’s pocket book point of view?

….to be discussed

99. How to see CSI from Dealership valuation changes in $5 to $10M range?

….to be discussed

100. How to see from OEM Rep’s point of view for Sales alone?

….to be discussed

101. How to see from OEM Rep’s point of view for Service?

….to be discussed

102. How to co-operate with OEM Reps & become a proactive CSI type store?

….to be discussed

103. How to make change dealership management mind from Reputation to CSI

….to be discussed

104. How to show dealership staff CSI as the foundation for Reputation?

….to be discussed


CSI Educational Questions for Service Manager and Staff

Compiled the questions pondered by several service managers while DealTimer was training the service staff on OEM CSI and KPI Booster Solutions and Platforms!

These questions compiled by keeping in mind of service manager, service advisors, technicians, OEM Service and Sales Reps assisting the Dealership Staff with monthly visits.

By merely discussing on these questions, it helps to boost the knowledge on OEM CSI and KPI metrics and how it impacts the service staff bonus amounts, career, and dealership's profitability, and many other advantages offered to the dealerships from OEMs.

65. Why 90% of Service Departments are struggling hard even to cross tier-2 KPI scores?

….to be discussed

66. A typical advisor writes from 10-30 tickets per day

….to be discussed

67. Who are all part of Service CSI at Dealer and OEM levels?

….to be discussed

68. Would not bother to focus on Service CSI until unless OEM Rep complains about poor service CSI and KPI, how much is this real?

….to be discussed

68. Can a GM, who is usually promoted from a Sales background identify tools for Service CSI and KPI?

….to be discussed

69. A sales rep can follow up with 10 gto 12 customers in a month for CSI, whereas each service advisor has to follow up with 200 to 500 customers in a month!!!

….to be discussed

70. What makes GMs blinded to Service CSI operations?

….to be discussed

71. When a GM claims to be at the top for CSI, they usually mean Sales CSI, not Service CSI! Why? How does this thinking impact the store's overall service CSI?

….to be discussed

72. GMs would not bother to focus on Service CSI until unless OEM Rep complains about poor service CSI and KPI, how much is this real?

….to be discussed

73. GMs have mixed views in treating Reputation as CSI or CSI as reputation, is it correct?

….to be discussed

74. Marketing director’s understanding of reputation in contrast to OEM CSI goals.

….to be discussed

75. Overloading Service Staff for CSI follow up

….to be discussed

76. Why do most of the Service Managers get frustrated with CSI follow-up operations?

….to be discussed

77. Why can’t an advisor follow up take mere 10 minutes to follow up on previous days Repair orders? GM’s frustration gesture?

….to be discussed

78. Why is it a challenge for Service Advisor to create 10 minutes for CSI follow-up? This needs to be understood, seriously?

….to be discussed

79. OEM Reps struggle to push Service Manager to boost CSI and KPI scores!

….to be discussed

80. What kind of Training is available from OEM for CSI in the store?

….to be discussed

81. How can the Dealer use OEM CSI tools for a better CSI Score?

….to be discussed

82. How does a CSI score impact customer Retention Rates?

….to be discussed

83. How can a Service Manager use a 10-minute disciplined time CSI slot in a week?

….to be discussed

84. What motivates each advisor to become Proactive CSI-minded staff? Money or Fame?

….to be discussed

85. How to measure Service Advisor CSI Proactively?

….to be discussed

86. OEM BAD CSI fixing is Reactive ways, too late?

….to be discussed

87. What is the Proactive CSI mantra that costs virtually nothing to the Dealer?

….to be discussed

88. How can you get the BEST CSI scores with no dedicated CSI follow-up operation?

….to be discussed

89. How can you change pay plans based on CSI scores?

….to be discussed

90. Can the bad CSI score cost the Dealers principal to give away the store?

….to be discussed

91. Who do OEMs love Dealers with the best CSI scores to give more stores?

….to be discussed

92. How can the OEM Rep influence the Service Staff to become Proactive CSI advisors?

….to be discussed

93. CSI Bonus in No-Man’s land:

….to be discussed

94. Why is Service Director nagged about CSI every month twice by OEM Rep!

….to be discussed

95. What motivates OEMs to pay upto $150K CSI Bonus every quarter?

….to be discussed

96. Why do Dealers need to get paid OEM bonus to keep Dealership customers’ happy?

….to be discussed

97. Why OEMs pay Bonus on Sold Vehicle for meeting Service CSI score?

….to be discussed

98. How to see CSI from Dealer principal’s pocket book point of view?

….to be discussed

99. How to see CSI from Dealership valuation changes in $5 to $10M range?

….to be discussed

100. How to see from OEM Rep’s point of view for Sales alone?

….to be discussed

101. How to see from OEM Rep’s point of view for Service?

….to be discussed

102. How to co-operate with OEM Reps & become a proactive CSI type store?

….to be discussed

103. How to make change dealership management mind from Reputation to CSI

….to be discussed

104. How to show dealership staff CSI as the foundation for Reputation?

….to be discussed


OEM CSI  Vs  Reputation Common Questions for Dealerships

Compiled the questions pondered by several service managers while DealTimer was training the service staff on OEM CSI and KPI Booster Solutions and Platforms!

Dealership’s main focus has been to sell cars, service the vehicles, and manage staff and vendor tools. Often dealerships may be overwhelmed with operations and not be able to meet the OEM’s vision for customer satisfaction and protect the customers from leaving the dealership or switch to another brand!!



1. What is CSI or Customer Service Index or and few say it as Customer Satisfaction Index?

….to be discussed

2. CSI is universal for all Industries, but automotive is different, how & why?

….to be discussed

3. What is the difference between Dealer Reputation and Dealer CSI?

….to be discussed

4. CSI is INWARD, Reputation is OUTWARD, why?

….to be discussed

5. Why is CSI so important for any business, particularly for the Automotive Dealership world?

….to be discussed

6. What makes customers demand the best service from Car Dealers?

….to be discussed

7. Why are all OEMs demanding top CSI scores from their Franchise Dealers?

….to be discussed

8. What types of OEM incentives are given to Dealers for the best CSI scores in their districts?

….to be discussed

9. What type of surveys are in the Dealership world?

….to be discussed

10. Why do the OEMs come up with very long surveys?

….to be discussed

11. I wish OEMs come up with short surveys!

….to be discussed

12. Which survey is fast returned, short or long?

….to be discussed

13. What are Adaptive surveys?

….to be discussed

14. Can the Dealerships have their own Surveying platforms?

….to be discussed

15. What can the OEMs learn from surveys?

….to be discussed

16. How do the OEMs see Dealership’s Social Reviews?

….to be discussed

17. What is the difference between CSI and KPI?

….to be discussed

18. What makes KPI stand out?

….to be discussed

19. How does KPI help the dealership?

….to be discussed

20. How do OEMs slide KPI targets every quarter?

….to be discussed

21. Are the customers overkilled with surveys? Myth or real?

….to be discussed

22. Pre-surveys are the reason for less final survey filling, is it a myth or reality?

….to be discussed

23. Can I reach out to customers with Do-Not-Call turned on for CSI follow-up?

….to be discussed

24. KPI from OEM side, Dealer side, and Customer side?

….to be discussed

25. Why is there so much comparison of KPI/CSI Scores in the district?

….to be discussed

26. CSI for Sales Vs Service Departments? Are they the same?

….to be discussed

27. What is the max OEM bonus can make per quarter or year?

….to be discussed

28. What areas do the OEMs keep changing the quarterly CSI bonus

….to be discussed

29. Why do OEMs keep changing KPI questions?

….to be discussed

30. How can dealership staff change their operations based on the OEM’s swi

….to be discussed

31. Is there a way to keep CSI operations irrespective of Quarterly bonus changes?

….to be discussed

32. Are the KPI/CSI score targets reachable?

….to be discussed


Training – Questions on Dealership CSI/KPI Awareness for all Staff

Compiled the questions pondered by several managers while DealTimer was training the service staff on OEM CSI and KPI Booster Solutions and Platforms!

The following questions are popped in managers’ minds, however, lack of time in search of answers, these
burning questions often get postponed! However, little more details in addressing these questions could push forward the manager to unlock the most powerful operational changes in the dealership to turn the dealership to become proactive CSI Based dealership. Let us look at these manager’s thoughts!

33.What % of the dealerships are aware of the quarterly bonuses?

….to be discussed

34.How often are the Dealerships knocked on CSI by OEM and why?

….to be discussed

35.CSI keeps customers from slipping from dealership first and then from the brand!

….to be discussed

36.Do the Dealerships have the bandwidth to achieve KPI scores?

….to be discussed

37.What is the right approach, Proactive CSI vs Reactive CSI, or mixed?

….to be discussed

38.Do you need a dedicated CSI department for CSI?

….to be discussed

39.Who is responsible for CSI score damages in the dealerships?

….to be discussed

40.Need dedicated BDC reps for CSI alone?

….to be discussed

41.Who else in the Dealerships used to tackle CSI follow-up operations?

….to be discussed

42.Impact of CSI on Dealership Retention rates?

….to be discussed

43.$100K Impact of bad CSI scores on monthly marketing budgets!

….to be discussed

44.Impact of bad CSI scores on Google Reviews?

….to be discussed

45.OEM CSI first or Google Review Reputation first?

….to be discussed

46.Should I really care for Google Reviews?

….to be discussed

47.Sales CSI Operations – Smart Ideas

….to be discussed

48.Impact of poor service CSI on car sales!

….to be discussed

49.Service CSI Operations - Ideas

….to be discussed

50.How many ways CSI can be measured?

….to be discussed

51.How many CSI issues can be rectified proactively, how?

….to be discussed

52.Can I convert my dealership to achieve 100% proactive CSI?

….to be discussed

53.How much time is being spent collectively by all staff for CSI in a month?

….to be discussed

54.What is the dollar amount of value of our staff time on CSI operations?

….to be discussed

55.Can the proactive CSI vision bring my cost down to ‘0’ wage cost for CSI follow-up? How?

….to be discussed

56.What should I tune in my employees to achieve a proactive CSI-type dealership?

….to be discussed

57.Value of Proactive Dealership is $20 to $30 million, vs Reactive CSI dealership of the same brands is less

….to be discussed

$5 million, Why?

….to be discussed

58. Is the CSI as cancer eating away Dealer’s franchise value?

….to be discussed

59. How can I flip a badly run dealership with the Proactive CSI Vision?

….to be discussed

60. Why do OEMs love Dealerships with Proactive CSI-minded GMs and Service Managers?

….to be discussed

61. Who is a proactive CSI sales rep? Does he need leads to sell cars?

….to be discussed

62. Where is all CSI impacting my dealership?

….to be discussed

63. Can I use all vendor tools to achieve Proactive CSI dealer status?

….to be discussed

64. Is CSI tool-based or human-based, or virtually powered by CSI Ghost?

….to be discussed

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