Social Buzz Monitor

List Price :$295/month

Want to be part of your customer’s social life on 60 plus of these social platforms? Any business cannot afford to ignore these new platforms. Social Buzz Monitoring System for Dealers monitors all the customers talking, gossiping, sharing, socializing content over 60 social platforms .

As many Social Platforms are at the beginning of the evolution, it is possible for a smart dealer to view the potential customer profiles, their age, income levels, purchasing power, life style, their shopping interest levels and patterns, etc. Dealtimer has deepened features of the Social Buzz Monitoring product, allowing smart dealers, even to generate social campaigns in a subtle way to capture new business. Even 12 months before, we could never have imagined such possibilities existed in green marketing. If you have vision, Dealtimer is your right engineering partner for you to take advantage of this new revolution.

Please do not hesitate send an e-mail with your vision for new social platforms. DealTimer has more than 80 different Dealership automation tools. Our software engineers can jolt any of our products to link with social platforms and DealTimer has unique advantage in building a new platform for your own dealership group, if needed.

Product Brochure

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Features of Social Buzz

  1. One-Stop place to listen to all online car shoppers
  2. Ability to even to watch successful or local competing car dealers ways of green marketing
  3. Ability to upload the existing marketing Ads onto social platforms with virtually no additional cost or fee
  4. An early initiative with green market onto these new social platforms could give edge over competition

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