Why few reviews? Can we think of simple process to be followed to receive 100s of positive reviews?
1000s of happy customers still very few reviews
- Even though you see there are 70 to 100 happy service customers daily, and dealership is selling hundreds of cars every month, why are not there thousands of positive reviews on Dealer Rater, Yelp, Google Plus, Yahoo Local, Merchant Circle, Four Square, Inside Pages, Judy's Book, etc.? Solution is phone call away at 404-424-8480!Here are few reasons
- Ready to give reviews – but how and where? : “It is not that customers are not happy to give reviews. Many customers are extremely happy, but they do not know how to give a positive review to the dealership ”, a frustrated manager complaints. By the time they go home, they are caught up with their own world.
- Lost in Searching: Even if few people want to give review, they cannot find Review posting pages on Dealer Rater, Google Plus, Yelp, Merchant Circle, Judy's Book, Four Square, etc. Even if they find, they get diverted with ADs on Competing Dealerships.
- Post cards are the solution: These professionally printed post cards pointing customers to your dealership Reviews Website will help the customers giving your reviews.
- If Service Advisor after service, or Sales Manager after vehicle sale hands out the colorful card to the customers, 80% of them carry it to home.
- Even if 50% of them attempt to go the Website listed on the post card and click on the links or QR Codes, now they can post reviews on 10 different sites in matter of 2 minutes.
- Is n't convenient for customers to give positive reviews. If you put yourself in their shoes, would you not want to give positive reviews.
- Like always, we have to make our customers feel ease in interacting with the dealership!